Bring It On CrossFit

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8 Week Challenge to Kick off the NEW YEAR

The BIOCF 8 Week Challenge is Back Starting Monday January 15th 2024!

Your 2024 Fitness Resolution Starts Now!

Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, break a fitness plateau or simply be more healthy, the BIOCF 8 Week Challenge is for you.

Our focus is to work with you to create a path towards being the healthiest, strongest and fittest version of yourself.

Inspired by our holistic approach to health and fitness and through repetition, practice and accountability we aim to help you establish HEALTHY HABITS, set long-term and weekly POSITIVE INTENTIONS & develop SYSTEMS that will set you up for success.

Previous challenges have seen participants lose on average 4-5% body fat, along with the addition of 1-2 kilograms of lean muscle mass in as little as 8 weeks. The biggest changes, however, have happened in between the ears. Participants learn to be aware of their own daily habits and have changed how they approach stress, sleep, nutrition, and training, building greater motivation and developing consistent behaviours for long-term health.

If you are struggling to build consistent healthy behaviours, lacking motivation or are just looking to kickstart your training again after a break, then register now for our next 8 Week Challenge. 

For more information and to register visit

Any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Anything is Possible.