Bring It On CrossFit

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Finding Your Perfect Weight: A Guide to Choosing Weights in CrossFit

CrossFit throws a lot at you: from gymnastics skills to heavy barbell movements. But one of the most common questions beginners have is: how much weight should I use?

Unlike weightlifting or powerlifting, where the goal is often to lift the heaviest weight possible for one rep (1RM), CrossFit emphasizes strength-endurance.  You'll be performing a variety of movements with weights for higher repetitions and often under time constraints. So, choosing the right weight becomes crucial.

Here are some key factors to consider when selecting your CrossFit weights:

  • The Workout (WOD):  CrossFit workouts, or WODs (Workout of the Day),  can be highly varied.  They might call for heavy weights for low reps (think back squats) or lighter weights for many reps (think thrusters). Understanding the specific demands of the WOD is essential.

  • Your Goal:  Are you aiming to build muscle mass, improve strength, or increase your metabolic rate? Different goals will have different weight requirements. Generally, heavier weights (70-85% of 1RM) will be used for building strength, while lighter weights (20-40% of 1RM) are better for metabolic conditioning.

  • Your Skill Level:  Be honest about your experience. Beginners should always prioritize proper form over heavy weights. It's better to use a lighter weight and focus on technique to avoid injury.  As you get stronger and more confident, you can gradually increase the weight.

  • Focus on Reps and Sets:  A good rule of thumb is to choose a weight that allows you to complete the prescribed reps and sets with good form throughout the entire set. If you find yourself sacrificing form to finish the reps, the weight is too heavy.

Here's a helpful tip:  start lighter than you think you can handle. You can always add more weight during the workout if you find it too easy. It's always better to err on the side of caution and prioritize safety and proper technique.


  • Start Lighter: It's always better to begin with a lighter weight and gradually increase it as you get stronger.

  • Progression is Key: Don't be afraid to challenge yourself, but aim for sustainable progress. Increasing weight too quickly can lead to injury.

  • Listen to Your Coach: A qualified CrossFit coach can assess your skill level and recommend appropriate weights for each workout.

By following these tips and prioritizing proper form, you'll  find the perfect weight to optimize your CrossFit training and keep you coming back for more.