Make 2024 your Fittest Year yet! Join the BIOCF 8 Week Challenge!

Tired of struggling with your fitness goals? Whether you're seeking weight loss, muscle gain, a fitness breakthrough, or simply a healthier lifestyle, the BIOCF 8 Week Challenge is your answer.

We're passionate about guiding you to become the healthiest, strongest, and fittest version of yourself. Our holistic approach focuses on establishing healthy habits, setting positive intentions, and developing lasting systems for success.

Previous participants have seen remarkable results:

  • Average body fat loss: 4-5%

  • Lean muscle mass gain: 1-2 kg

  • Improved mindset: Greater awareness of daily habits, healthier approaches to stress, sleep, nutrition, and training, increased motivation, and consistent long-term behaviors.

If you're:

  • Struggling to build consistent healthy habits

  • Lacking motivation

  • Ready to kickstart your training after a break

Join us for the next 8 Week Challenge!

Dates: Monday, January 15th, 2024 - Sunday, March 10th, 2024

Register now and unlock your full potential!

For more information and to register visit


Take Your Health and Fitness to another Level in our 8 Week Challenge!


How to set S.M.A.R.T Goals