Refer a Friend & Save Big on Membership Fees

Word of mouth is easily the best and most effective way we can continue to grow our fitness community and keep BIOCF ticking along.

Without it I know a lot of our members might not have found BIOCF so I am extremely grateful for people spreading the word and inviting family and friends along.

As a member of BIOCF we want to keep encouraging you to grab a mate, colleague or family member and invite them along for a free class or our 7 day free trial.

If any member does refer a friend to the box and they sign up, we will pay their next 2 weeks membership fees!

If they refer 2 friends and they both sign up, we'll pay their next 4 weeks membership fees!

If they refer 26 friends to the box and they all sign up, their entire year of CrossFit is on us!

So...refer friends = Save on membership

To make it easy for our members to invite their friends and family along, we have set up this link which they can just send them to book in:

This takes them straight to our Free Trial Booking page. Pick whatever class suits and book in.

So if you want to save big on membership fees, become a BIOCF member and start taking advantage of this awesome opportunity.

Thank you for helping spread the word about Bring It On CrossFit!


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