New to CrossFit? Start here.

Our 7 day trial is the best way to see what CrossFit is all about, and its FREE!

Here are 7 MORE REASONS you should get started today (based on actual results seen by current and past members):

  1. You’ll meet new, like minded people and build life-long friendships.

  2. Improved Cardiovascular Fitness eg. run longer, breathe easier.

  3. Decreased body fat & Increased Muscle Mass (we’ve seen members drop 5-7% body fat and add 3+kg of muscle in as little as 8 weeks!).

  4. Build Physical and Mental Confidence.

  5. Greater range of movement and flexibility.

  6. Build healthy habits, reduce your stress levels and sleep better.

  7. Enhanced longevity through building stronger joints, muslces & movement.

Everything we do is 100% scalable which means no matter what your training background is starting CrossFit is a simple process. I know it can be daunting going into a new gym for the first time so our coaches will help you every step of the way and will be able to answer any questions you may have.

Book your 7 day FREE trial today by completing the form below and scheduling your first free trial class.

We can’t wait to meet you and show you first hand how Bring It On CrossFit can help you smash you health and fitness goals.