Meet the team.

What makes our CrossFit Coaches Different?

All of our coaches were once members at Bring It On CrossFit. They have been where you are right now. And that is what makes them excel as CrossFit Coaches. They understand the challenges, teach from experience and can be on your level to help you reach your full potential in the box. Our coaches don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk as well. They practice what they preach!

To be a coach at Bring It On CrossFit all our coaches complete a 6 month Coach Development Program. The program consists of shadowing, assisting and taking CrossFit Classes under the watchful eye of Level 3 CrossFit Coach & Owner Jared. Combining their years of training experience and qualifications gained (CF Lvl 1), the program builds on the skills, knowledge and experience of our up-and-coming coaches so they can run great classes, teach & coach at a high level and become amazing leaders within the Bring It On CrossFit Community.

If you would like to learn more about the Coach Development Program please email Jared at

Experienced - Knowledgeable - Consistent

  • Coach Jared

    Jared / Owner & Coach

    Level 3 Certified CrossFit Coach

    Certificate III & IV in Fitness

    Level 2 First Aid & CPR

    CrossFit Strongman Certified

    CrossFit Kids Certified

    Diploma in Primary Teaching

    Bachelors Degree in Sports Management

  • Coach Lauren

    Lauren / Coach

    Level 1 CrossFit Trainer

    Level 2 First Aid & CPR

  • Coach Mark

    Mark / Coach

    Level 2 CrossFit Coach

    CrossFit Endurance Trainer

    Australian Weightlifting Federation Level 2 Coach

  • Coach Shannon

    Shannon / Coach

    Qualified chef

    Cert II kitchen operations

    Cert III in commercial cookery

    Diplomer of Art

    Diplomer in Multimedia

    Cert IV in small business

  • Coach Zee

    Zee / Coach

    Level 1 CrossFit Trainer

    Level 2 First Aid & CPR

  • Coach Sav

    Sav / Coach

    CF L1 Trainer

    Certified Personal Trainer (Level 3 & 4 in Fitness)

    Level 2 First Aid & CPR

    Bachelor of Police Studies

    Bachelor of Public Sector Leadership & Management

    Graduate Certificate in Management

    Statement of Attainment- Barista (most important qualification)!