30 Day No Sugar Challenge

Join us for a 30 Day No Sugar Challenge kicking off on Monday the 10th October and let’s BREAK THE SUGAR HABIT TOGETHER!

Why should I do a 30 Day No Sugar Challenge?

Sugar is addictive, it turns on reward pathways in your brain and causes withdrawal, but trying to break the sugar addiction can be very challenging alone. Cutting down on sugar promotes:

  • Fat loss

  • Mental focus and better mood, thanks to decreased brain inflammation.

  • Decreased hunger and food cravings

  • All day energy with no crash, thanks to stable blood sugar levels.

Are all sugars banned on the challenge?

No. Fruit and Diary contain plenty of natural sugars and are also important parts of your healthy eating plan. Fruit is also a great way of naturally getting the sugar you might be craving as well as provide loads of amazing micro-nutrients your body needs.

What foods are not allowed on the challenge?

Avoid all refined sugars including white sugar, corn syrup and brown sugar. This also includes all added sweeteners such as sugar alcohols, molasses, stevia, coconut palm sugar, xylitol, agave, honey, maple syrup etc, and all artificial sweeteners such as truvia, splenda, nutrasweet etc. This is important in order start enjoying the real taste of food.

Can I just eat as much fruit as I want?

No. Even though we want you to eat fruit each day, it is important to do so in moderation. Five servings a day will be the limit during the challenge so we are not going from one addiction to another.

What should I be eating during the challenge?

Once you’ve gotten rid of the sugar and high GI carbs in your kitchen, head to the grocery store and stock up on lots of quality fats, protein, and veggies. Choose things like, grass fed beef, salmon, chicken, eggs, nuts and seeds, avocado’s, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, fennel, cabbage, and other nutrient-dense veggies.

What strategies can I implement to hack my sugar cravings?

Eating more healthy fats, protein, and fibre will help curb your appetite and ease cravings. Another good strategy is to meal prep and keep good snacks handy wherever possible. Drinking enough water throughout the day is also another great strategy to crush those sugar cravings. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses per day.

Will training be part of the challenge?

Yes. Exercise works hand in hand with eating well. Sticking to a consistent training program, involving constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity will assist in achieving all the benefits of a healthy eating plan. We recommend at least 4 sessions per week during the 30 day challenge.

How will I be kept accountable during the challenge?

Group challenges are always more effective as you are able to share experiences with others going through the same thing. Our private Facebook Group is a great place to share recipes, tips and your day to day experience of cutting unwanted sugar from your diet. If you want to join the group shoot me an email at bringitoncrossfit@gmail.com and I can book you in for a 7 day free trial.

We have also put together this simple No Sugar & Training tracking sheet so you can track your progress and keep yourself accountable! If you have a bad day, shake it off and start a new run. Consistency is key!


Congrats Rory the BIOCF Member of the Month!


Turmeric Poached Eggs