Bring It On CrossFit

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Congrats Rory the BIOCF Member of the Month!

Congratulations to September's BIOCF Member of the Month Rory!

We love Rory's energy and enthusiasm when he come to train at BIOCF! Rory is always having fun and looks to really enjoy his training. A great community ambassador and someone that never shies away from a challenge. Rory has come a long way from when he first started training with us and this is due to his hard work and dedication to want to improve. Rory comes in early and works on weaknesses and stays late to mobilize. Well done on what you have achieved so far mate!

Congratulations Rory and keep up the good work!

#crossfit #community #geelong #geelongcrossfit #gymingeelong #fitness #teambiocf #biostrong #memberofthemonth