Bring It On CrossFit

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Congrats to our Member of the Month Kate Ellis!

Congratulations to the July 2022 Member of the Month Kate Ellis!!

All the coaches agreed that Kate's consistency and work ethic over the last few months, July in particular, has been awesome! She has made time to get in and do some extra work on her pull ups, making small improvements each week. Kate has also jumped on the 8 week challenge and taken the challenge on with a really positive mindset and a lot of enthusiasm. Her attention to detail is fantastic and will benefit her throughout your CrossFit journey here at BIOCF!

Well done Kate!

“Every month the BIOCF coaching team works together to choose the BIOCF Member of the Month. The MOTM is awarded to an individual that has shown a determination throughout the month to improve their health. The member has been a regular in class and has come in and dedicated themselves 100% to the workout listed on the board. The coaching team looks, not only for someone who has shown great improvements in their own fitness, but is also a team player who motivates others to work hard and achieve their goals by having a positive influence on the Bring It On CrossFit community around them.”