3 Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Sleep is fundamental to your success in the gym and your health. According to Healthline loss of sleep can lead to memory issues, trouble with thinking and concentration, mood changes, accidents, weakened immunity, high blood pressure, risk of diabetes, weight gain, low sex drive, risk of heart disease and poor balance. This is why all the time you dedicate to nutrition and training should also be applied to your sleep habits.

Here are 3 simple ways you can improve your sleep…

  1. Create and stick to a SLEEP ROUTINE. Try going to bed and getting up at the same time each day, including the weekends. Your go to bed and get up times should be about 8 hours a part to ensure you are getting an adequate amount of sleep. Being consistent and sticking to these times will help your bodies sleep cycle become more natural and help you get to sleep quicker and easier. A good, relaxing wind down routine before you go to bed is a good idea as well.

  2. Create a SLEEP POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT. Your bedroom should promote good sleep. Keep your room cool, dark and quiet. Avoid light-emitting screens, this includes your phone! If you are someone who is on your phone 20 minutes before bed each night, buy an alarm clock and move your phone charger (and phone) out into another room.

  3. Reduce your DAILY STRESS. Exercise each day, meditate, get organized for the next day, and eat well. These are just some different strategies proven to help reduce negative stress. Any activity that makes you feel good and simplifies life is a priority in your daily routine.


Congrats to our Member of the Month Kate Ellis!


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