Bring It On CrossFit

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Fiona is smashing her goals at CrossFit.

Have you met Fiona?

Fiona is our BIOCF Member of the Month for April 2023! Congrats Fiona Steiert! 😊

Fiona has been one of our most consistent members since she started with us in January, attending 5-6 classes per week, every week! The majority at 5am in the morning as well, which is amazing! Fiona has made some really good progress across several movements picking up the CrossFit style of training fairly quickly. She is very committed and determined, working on weaker areas, and putting the time into practicing skills which take time and patience, like the kipping pull up. She has encouraged others to do their best and have a go and it looks like Fiona really enjoys the training that she is doing. Fiona has a bright future in CrossFit and I am excited to see her continue to progress and smash goals along the way.    

Congratulations Fiona and keep up the good work!

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