Introducing Masters RX

“We are mostly under-moved and not at all too old.” - Katy Bowman

Earlier this month I completed my 'Coaching The Aging Athlete' course (previously called the Master's Course) as I believe that CrossFit can really have a positive impact on people's lives no matter what their age.

Like it or not, we all get old and will have to deal with the physiological and psychological changes associated with the aging process.

However, to a very large extent we have control over the degree to which those changes impact our quality of life, because WE ARE ONLY AS OLD AS WE BELIEVE WE ARE.

A famous quote from Greg Glassman was that the 'needs of the elderly and professional athletes vary by degree, not kind.'

For this reason we will be introducing another workout category option to our daily whiteboard....MASTERS RX.

Depending on the WOD this option may not differ much from the actual RX version, however it will provide some motivation to any Master's athletes and a better representation of key movement and skill targets.

We will continue to adjust our workouts according to individual capacity and these set 'RX' & 'BASE' workouts are only starting points.

CrossFit is a powerful tool to change people’s lives for the better, and when applied well to an aging athlete, the effects are profound.


Omlette with Cottage Cheese and Basil


Honey and Lime Glazed Salmon with Pineapple Rice