Bring It On CrossFit

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What is a bed-time routine and why is it important? 

What is a bed-time routine and why is it important? 

Sleep is essential for improved memory & concentration, stronger immunity (get sick less often), weight management, lowering risks for serious health problems like diabetes and heart disease, reducing stress and improving overall mood. 

A regular bedtime routine makes it easier to fall asleep and get a good night's sleep. 

One of the key benefits of a sleep routine is it signals your brain that it's time to wind down and relax. 

Following the same sequence of activities each night, you're training your brain to associate those activities with sleepiness and relaxation. 

This can help you fall asleep more quickly and easily every night. 

Your bedtime routine should avoid the use of electronics and can include activities like reading a book, journalling, practicing some yoga or stretching, meditation or listening to some relaxing music. 

Keep it calm and relaxed and aim to start the routine at the same time each night to help set a good consistent routine.