Healthy Christmas Cooking

It’s Christmas next week!!!

Christmas is only one day in the year, but it can be a very busy time of year, so it is very important to make sure you are looking after you :)

Here are a few tips on staying healthy and looking after yourself this holiday season, plus a couple of great alternative recipe options you can try out for your Christmas Dinner.

  1. More Color and Fibre rich foods. Its not all about the turkey! Try adding more nutritients and color through your side dishes. Veggies and Fruits are fantastic sources of fibre which is great for gut health. Look at including more colourful, non-starchy vegetables, wholegrains and fruits throughout the day and as sides (or as the main show) on Christmas day. Here is a great recipe for a Whole Roast Cauliflower you should try.

  2. Eat regular meals throughout the day. Avoid going hungry and skipping meals in place of a bigger Christmas Dinner. Try to stick to your usual eating habits of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Going into Christmas Dinner on an empty stomach means you may be likely to over-eat.

  3. Go easy on the alchohol beverages. It’s good to have a couple of drinks to relax and enjoy yourself but make sure to drink responsibly. Try switching out some drinks for other non-alchohol alternatives (like flavoured water, tea, coffee).

  4. Keep Active. Avoid just sitting around all day. Get moving, play a game of backyard cricket with the kids, go for a walk after dinner or organize some fun, social games that the whole family to jump into (adults included).

  5. Meal prep and plan ahead. Planning and prepping for Christmas Dinner can be a lot. So make sure you have some easy, simple & healthy meals prepped for the days leading up and days after Christmas. Make a big batch of Veggie Chilli, freeze it and pull it out for dinners and/or lunches as needed. If you plan ahead that means there is one less thing you need to think about this Christmas.

  6. Get your 8 hours Sleep each night. Don’t get sucked into the trap on holidays of “I can stay up all night and it won’t matter”. Your body and mind need rest, even when you are not working. Prioritize your sleep and make sure to allow for at least 8 hours per night.

  7. Enjoy socializing and spending time with family and friends. Make the most of spending time with loved ones, relax and enjoy yourself.

  8. Switch to a healthier dessert option. Change it up this Christmas and try something a little more healthy for Christmas dessert. Why not try this Vegan Orange Chocolate Mousse…..

Vegan Orange Chocolate Mousee


Nothing beats the combination of Chocolate & Orange :)

Ingredients (Serves 4)

1 cup sweet potato, peeled and cooked (225g/0.5 lb sweet potato)

½ cup (125g) smooth peanut butter

½ cup (50g) natural cocoa powder

6 tbsp. maple syrup

1 tsp. orange zest

½ cup (120ml) chickpea brine

½ tsp. lemon juice

What you need to do:

  1. Place the cooked sweet potato and peanut butter in a food processor. Process until smooth and, then add cacao powder, maple syrup, and orange zest, blend again until smooth.

  2. Place the chickpea brine in a clean bowl. Add lemon juice and whip with a hand mixer until you achieve stiff peaks (this can take around 3-6 minutes) – you should be able to invert the bowl, and the whipped brine should not move an inch.

  3. Fold whipped chickpea brine into the chocolate and mix until well combined. The mixture will deflate slightly. Spoon the mixture between 4 small serving glasses and place in the fridge for 8 hours (or overnight) for the mousse to set.

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Grilled Chicken & Pineapple Salad


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