Bring It On CrossFit

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Push For Better Mental Health

Let's do this!

Join Team Bring It On CrossFit as we Push For Better Mental Health through The Push-Up Challenge 2023.

The Push-Up Challenge has participants completing 3,144 push-ups over 23 days to raise awareness and funds for mental health. It all kicks off on June 1st.

I thought it would be a great idea to put together a team so anyone at the box who is keen to take on the challenge and maybe raise some funds can do so.

I will be completing the challenge myself so it will be great to see you all involved as well.

Sounds like too many push-ups? No probs, you can take on half that amount (1,572) and alternatives to push-ups are encouraged, like squats and sit-ups.

It’s free to take part and there’s an app where you can check on how you and others are progressing during the event.

Click the link below to get involved.

(Team Name: Bring It On CrossFit -

Would be great to have you taking part in the push for better mental health.

#PushForBetterMentalHealth #PushForBetterFoundation #Movember #LifelineAustralia #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthAustralia #ThePushUpChallenge #thepushupchallenge2023 @lifelineaustralia @movember @pushforbetter #TeamBIOCF