Bring It On CrossFit

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Should I train through an injury?

We can often get caught up in the mindset of ‘push through the pain’, ‘PR every day’ or you’ve got to be ‘better than you were yesterday’ every day.

And these have some merit as its important to get out of your comfort zone sometimes.

Injuries happen and can happen for several different reasons.

9/10 its from an existing injury or lifestyle factors such as having a sedentary job or repetitive work load. It may be from an imbalance within the body built up over years of poor movement mechanics.

Whatever the reason it’s important not to ignore it and not to try push through it.

Your first priority is to identify why this injury is occurring. What is the cause?

Go see a professional for advice and please make sure to speak to your coach.

Once you know why this is occurring you can work with your coach to modify your program.

This may include reducing exposure to exercises that flare up the injury for the time being.

As well as, setting some exercises and mobility work to help address the cause of the injury and to prevent it becoming an ongoing or recurring annoyance.

Injuries shouldn’t mean stop training, especially as this won’t help you address the cause of the injury in the first place.

Injuries just mean you need to train smarter.

There is no reason you can’t continue to see those training gains or losses, but please don’t ignore those injuries.