What's one healthy habit you have always wanted to start but have never been able to?

What's one healthy habit you have always wanted to start but have never been able to?

Through the use of our Daily Healthy Habit Scorecard we are able to provide a simple way to measure and track your daily habits.

Tracking your habits is a powerful tool because it leverages multiple laws of behavior change.

It simultaneously makes a behavior OBVIOUS, ATTRACTIVE, and SATISFYING which all contribute to helping habits stick for the long-term.

The Daily Healthy Habit Scorecard has set small, daily actionable habits that we think can benefit everyone, as well as space to add any of your own.

Every day you check off the habits you complete for that day.

Your focus is simply to build a streak of continuous days completing each habit.

If you ‘don’t break the chain’ you will see greater results and it keeps you motivated to keep the streak going.

To learn more and register for our upcoming 8 Week Challenge starting Monday August 14th click the link below.

Only $297 for non-members, $70 for members.



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