Bring It On CrossFit

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Why is dietary protein important and how much do I need?

Why is dietary Protein important and how much do I need?

Proteins are made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of life. There are 2 main categories of amino acids in the body, Essential and Nonessential.

Essential Amino Acids are those the body can't manufacture and thus must be consumed in our diets.

Our bodies need Proteins for optimal functioning, inclduing good immune function, metabolism, satiety, weight management and performance.

Without adequate Protein intake our bodies can't function well at all.

Protein can also help replace worn out cells, transportvarious substances throughout the body, aid on repair and growth, and help control body fat.

For people doing regular high intensity training, like CrossFit, protein needs might go up to about 1.4-2 grams/kg of body mass.

Make sure to spread out your protein consumption at regular meals throughout the day and aim for a variety of sources.

For the non meat eaters, try to combine different plant protein sources as not all plants have complete amino acid profiles, for example try topping your morning oats with some peanut butter.